Upcoming Events:

Markets, pop-ups & more.
  • Shop my booth at Thick Thrift LA!

    LA’s all plus size market is back w/ 60+ vendors, including vintage, jewelry & accessories, indie clothing brands, homewares & artwork, handmade/upcycled clothing, food court, & MORE!!

    Saturday, March 29th 1-6pm
    411 S Hewitt St
    Los Angeles, CA 90013

    Get tickets!

  • Shop my booth at Unique's LA Love Spring Market. 50% of ticket sales benefitting LA fire victims.

    WHERE: Cooper Design Space, Penthouse
    860 S Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90014

    WHEN: Saturday & Sunday March 29 & 30: 11am-4pm Both Days

    Get Tickets

  • Mara Altman and I are celebrating the release of her first children's book, A Little Shelf Love. Illustrated by me, Reesa!

    Join us at The Book Catapult, in South Park, San Diego at 5pm. We will have a fun gift wrapping station, some snacks and prizes. 


ReesaBoBeesa News!

ReesaBoBeesa News is the only place to receive transmissions from behind the curtain; more in-depth updates on art, life, the shop and Reesa's longer-term projects.

The news room is located on Substack, but if you don't know what that is or care to learn - never fear! You can subscribe just like you would to any old email newsletter and get the bulletins directly in your inbox.

One of the current highlights is a web comic called “Oh, There You Are!”. Comics are released bi-weekly for paid subscribers first, and unlocked for everyone else a month later.

Artist led
Size Inclusive
Made with love
Currently crying
Not wearing a bra
I'm just one woman
How did I get here
Since 2019 somehow
Cat conscious