
Girl on a mission!
I've been an artist for as long as I can remember. And I've always used my art to carve out a safe and empowering space for myself...if only in my own imagination. I'd sit in my room for hours on end and make up worlds where girls and cats were all powerful; full of lush landscapes, vast oceans, and sparkling stars in endless night skies: places I'd be my fullest most coolest badass-est self.
As I've found my way in the world as an illustrator and designer my mission is to keep creating those magical dream-realms! And to invite you into them. And hold up a mirror to your own unique beauty and purpose.
ReesaBoBeesa was the handle I chose when I started sharing my art online in 2013. And it's become, however accidentally, an online version of those lush, magical, beautiful and POWERFUL spaces I used to dream up in my room. And over the course of many, meany years it has morphed into this special little shop.
I hope that everything you receive will bring you joy and serve as a small reminder of how badass you really are, exactly as you are!
If you have any questions about the shop, or would like to enquire about partnerships or collaborations, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at info@reesabobeesa.com.
xoxo, Reesa